Browsing at World Market on my lunch break today, I pondered Christmas presents and tried not to feel as tired as I am. I could use about a 10 hour nap, but I've got 4 more flute lessons and a 2 hour class to teach before I can go home, get into what my husband and I refer to as "comfies," and enjoy the beauty that is our couch. I found myself wandering away from the journals, soaps, figurines and ornaments and straight to the candy aisles.
Realizing that this is one of those days that will just be better with chocolate, I decided to embrace that fact and go all out. Rather than consuming a cheap snack that was more about sugar and caffeine than taste, I searched for a beautiful cocoa experience. I truly believe that by embracing the possibility, even in a moment of weakness (life long sugar addiction...sigh), I opened myself up for one of the loveliest moments I've had all week.
I found an elegant, educated, creative woman on the back of the chocolate bar package, instructing me on how to enjoy chocolate. Since I love learning even more than I love chocolate, I eagerly read her inspiring words (above). She told me to take three ujjayi breaths. Turns out, Ujjayi is a diaphragmatic breath which fills the lower belly, rises to the rib cage and then to the lower chest and throat (thanks, Wikepedia!). I made a mental note to remember this term for myself and my students to help with flute playing and then enjoyed the three breaths.
She told me to See. I looked and noticed. I saw the gorgeous, rich brown color of the chocolate, the charming illustration engraved in one square and the beautiful inscription on the other. She told me to Smell. I rubbed my thumb on the chocolate bar and couldn't believe how well her instructions worked! Instead of just a predictable chocolate smell, I inhaled a salty, sweet, complex and aromatic experience. I Snapped the chocolate bar and heard the soft break of hard exterior and soft, caramel interior. Then...
Pure magic. The taste was out of this world lovely. Taking the pictures as I learned my chocolate bar lesson and appreciated it through all my senses only made the experience more alive. Suddenly, I wasn't tired anymore. The sun was brighter, my optimism and energy perked up for the music filled afternoon ahead of me and I quickly hopped over to the library to write this blog article before heading back to teach.
I can't help but think, wouldn't it be nice if we had an elegant, patient guide that walked around with us during our day? What if we were all reminded to See, Smell, Touch, Taste, Feel, Imagine and Connect with the world around us? What if we all took ujjayi breaths not just once, but many times throughout our day? Maybe indulgent self care could include simply using our senses to soak in the beauty all around us, available in every moment, if we just decide to breathe and take it in.
Just in case you're craving chocolate now, click HERE to see more Vosges Haut Chocolate.
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